
Best Turkish Language Courses in Istanbul 2023

Best Turkish Language Courses in Istanbul 2023

There are many options for Turkish language courses in Istanbul. Some popular choices include universities such as Boğaziçi University and Istanbul University, as well as language schools like the Istanbul Language Center and the Turkish Language Center.

These institutions typically offer a variety of course options, including group classes, private lessons, and intensive programs. Additionally, there are many private language tutors who can provide Turkish lessons in Istanbul. It is best to search and compare different options to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

Best Turkish Language Courses in Istanbul 2023

1. Istanbul University Language Center

Istanbul University Language Center (IUL) offers Turkish language courses for foreigners who want to learn the language. The center provides a wide range of language courses that are tailored to meet the needs of different learners. The courses are designed to help students improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Turkish.

The center offers intensive courses, semi-intensive courses, and individual courses. The intensive courses consist of 20 hours of instruction per week, and the semi-intensive courses consist of 10 hours of instruction per week. The individual courses are tailored to the student’s specific needs and can be scheduled at the student’s convenience

It also offer different levels of language courses starting from Beginner to Advanced levels. They use modern teaching methods and materials, and all the courses are taught by experienced and qualified teachers.

Additionally, the center provides students with cultural activities, such as city tours and cultural workshops, to help them learn more about Turkish culture and society.

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2. Turkish Language Association

The Turkish Language Association (TLA) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the Turkish language and culture both in Turkey and abroad. It was founded in 1932 and is based in Ankara, Turkey.

The TLA works to improve the quality of Turkish language education and to make Turkish language resources more widely available. Some of its activities include:

  • Developing and publishing Turkish language textbooks and other teaching materials
  • Organizing conferences and seminars on Turkish language education and related topics
  • Providing training and professional development opportunities for Turkish language teachers
  • Supporting research on the Turkish language and its history
  • Promoting the use of the Turkish language in international communication

In addition to these activities, the TLA also publishes a number of publications such as the “Journal of the Turkish Language Association”, “Turkish Language” and “Turk Dili” magazine, which are dedicated to the research, teaching, and development of the Turkish language.

The TLA is a well-respected organization in Turkey and plays an important role in promoting and preserving the Turkish language.

The Best Turkish Courses in Istanbul

Istanbul is a great place to learn Turkish, and there are many options for Turkish language courses in the city. Some popular choices for Turkish language courses in Istanbul include:

  • Istanbul University Language Center (IUL): The center offers a wide range of language courses that are tailored to meet the needs of different learners. The center uses modern teaching methods and materials, and all the courses are taught by experienced and qualified teachers.
  • The Istanbul Language Center (ILC): The ILC is a well-established language school that offers a variety of Turkish language courses for all levels. They offer intensive and semi-intensive courses, as well as private lessons. The ILC also provides students with cultural activities such as city tours and cultural workshops.
  • The Turkish Language Center: This center offers a range of language courses in Istanbul, including intensive, semi-intensive, and individual classes. They also offer language courses in various locations in Turkey.
  • Yeditepe University: Yeditepe University is a reputable institution that offers Turkish language courses for foreigners. They offer intensive and semi-intensive courses, as well as private lessons, which are taught by experienced and qualified teachers.
  • Boğaziçi University: Boğaziçi University offers Turkish language courses for foreigners. They have a variety of programs from intensive to individual classes, which are taught by experienced and qualified teachers.

It’s important to research and compares different options to find the best fit for your needs and budget, you can check their websites, and ask for information, and also check the reviews and feedback from past students.

Turkish Language Courses in Istanbul FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about Turkish language courses in Istanbul:

Q: What level of Turkish do I need to have before taking a course?

A: Most language schools and universities in Istanbul offer courses for a wide range of proficiency levels, from beginner to advanced. Before enrolling in a course, you will typically be assessed to determine your current level of proficiency and placed in the appropriate class.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for taking a Turkish language course in Istanbul?

A: Most language schools and universities in Istanbul do not have age restrictions for taking a Turkish language course. However, some institutions may have different policies, so it’s best to check with the specific school or university you’re interested in.

Q: How long do Turkish language courses typically last?

A: The duration of a Turkish language course can vary depending on the institution and the type of course you choose. Some intensive courses may last only a few weeks, while others may be ongoing and last several months. You can choose the duration of the course based on your schedule and needs.

Q: Are there any additional activities or excursions offered as part of a Turkish language course in Istanbul?

A: Some language schools and universities in Istanbul offer additional cultural activities, such as city tours or cultural workshops, as part of their Turkish language courses. These activities can provide an opportunity to learn more about Turkish culture and society and to practice your language skills in a real-life context.

Q: Will I receive a certificate after completing a Turkish language course in Istanbul?

A: Most language schools and universities in Istanbul will provide a certificate of completion to students who successfully finish a course. Some institutions may also offer internationally recognized language proficiency exams, such as the TÖMER (Turkish Language Proficiency Exam).

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