Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023 (The Best to study in the USA)

Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023:

The Fulbright Scholarship for International Students enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program operates in more than 160 countries worldwide. Approximately 4,000 foreign students receive Fulbright scholarships each year.

Fulbright Scholarship 2022-2023 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is only offered for masters and PhD studies. Fulbright Foreign Student Program covers full tuition fee, a living stipend, full accommodation fee, airfare and health insurance.

Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023
Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023

About Fulbright Scholarship:

The Fulbright Scholarship, the flagship international academic exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government, has fostered mutual understanding between the United States and other countries since 1946.

The program provides awards to approximately 8,000 students, scholars, teachers, artists, and professionals each year from the United States and 160 countries. Fulbright is unique in its binationalism and noted for its merit-based selection process and academic prestige. Fulbrighters come from all backgrounds and are selected regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, geographic location, socio-economic status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Fulbright Scholarship | Types Of Awards:

Open Study/Research Awards:

The Fulbright Study/Research Award is the traditional award opportunity where a candidate designs a proposal for a specific country. Read the Country Summaries for more information.

English Teaching Assistant Awards

The Fulbright English Teaching Assistant programs place grantees in schools overseas to supplement local English language instruction and to provide a native speaker presence in the classrooms. View the countries offering English Teaching Assistant Awards here.

  • Special Programs

Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowships In Public Health:

This award will not be open for the 2022-23 competition.

The Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowships are offered through a partnership between the Fulbright Program and the Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. These awards were established to promote the expansion of research in public health and clinical research in resource-limited settings.

The Fogarty International Center, NIH, will provide support to the research training site and may provide orientation for the fellows at the NIH. In addition, NIH will provide a pre-departure orientation for selected Fellows in Washington, DC.

To participate in the Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowships in Public Health, the applicant must be a U.S. citizen and:

  • Be enrolled in graduate or medical school. Applicants who hold a doctorate are ineligible.
  • Have sufficient proficiency in the host language to carry out the project required.

Other basic requirements and process for applying for the Fulbright-Fogarty Program are the same as for any Fulbright U.S. Student Study/Research Grant.

Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship

The Fulbright–National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship provides a unique platform for American Fulbright students to develop global narratives and discuss commonalities across borders around a common issue or theme. Trained, supported, and mentored by National Geographic Editors during their grants, grantees will use new media platforms to help build ties across cultures while enhancing mutual understanding. The content that they produce will be featured online in various places, including, most prominently, a blog hosted by National Geographic.

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Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023
Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023

Fulbright Scholarship | Details:

Fulbright Scholarship | Funding:

Fulbright Scholarship is a fully funded scholarship and provides the recipient with the following benefits:

  • The scholarship covers tuition, a living stipend, airfare and health insurance, etc.
  • The Fulbright program provides funding for the duration of the study.
  • Opportunity to experience life in the United States and share your unique culture and traditions
  • Cultural and professional enrichment activities.
  • Join a lifelong alumni network of global leaders.
  • Pre-Academic Training, Gateway, and Enrichment Seminars.
  • Eligible for alumni grants after completing your program and returning home.
  • Gain knowledge and skills that contribute to your home community.
  • Improve your English language skills.
  • See the official website and country specific websites for the complete list of scholarship benefits.

Fulbright Scholarship | Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible for Fulbright Scholarship:

  • Bachelor’s degree at the time of program start date
  • Strong academic record
  • English proficiency and/ or ability to attend a Long-Term English (LTE) Program in the United States prior to the study program.
  • Additional eligibility requirements differ by country of citizenship.

Note that students cannot apply for programs with clinical requirements such as dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, nursing. Fields such as public health and nursing administration are permitted.

Prospective Fulbright participants should be aware that public health conditions, availability of consular services and travel, as well as U.S. institutional operating status and policies may affect their ability to travel to the U.S. and participate in academic programs.

Fulbright admission requirements, length of the program, type of award, and application instructions vary by country.

Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023
Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023

Fulbright Scholarship | How to Apply:

  • Make Online Application: To apply to Fulbright program you need to assemble a variety of materials to help the USEFP assess your qualifications. All materials must be submitted with your application.
  • Prepare Academic Transcripts and Degrees: All transcripts and degrees from a 4-year undergraduate degree or its equivalent – equivalent programs include international three-year bachelor programs or ACCA. PhD applicants must also submit their MPhil or MS degrees and transcripts. You can also apply while in your final year of undergraduate studies provided that you get your degree by December this year.
  • Take GRE General Test and TOFEL: When submitting your application, you may report the unofficial GRE score given on the day of the test, or your official score if you have received it. Every applicant must request that ETS send an official score report directly to USEFP using the code 9388. GRE general (international) test scores are required at the time of application. A decent score for Engineering and Sciences on the GRE is 315+ and that for other fields is 310+. GRE subject test is not required.
  • Prepare Two Essays: There are two essays for the Fulbright application. Each essay must be written in the space provided in the application form, which approximates to 800 words. Don’t over craft your essays; just write in a clear language so that the Fulbright panel that doesn’t know your world can understand you better. Before starting the essays you are going to need to figure out a marketing strategy for yourself. Successful applicants generally take 4-6 weeks writing and perfecting their essays.
  • Three Recommendation letters are required: You will need to have three recommendations submitted with your application by the application deadline. You can have 3 academic reference letters, or 2 academic and 1 professional or 2 professional and 1 academic. In other words, 1 academic reference letter is a must. Your referees need to fill the reference forms given in the application package and then sign, stamp and seal them in an envelope. Once you submit your online application your referees will be sent an online form via email.
  • Prepare Academic Resume: A current and most up-to-date resume should be added to the space provided on the application form. You do not need to have it in any special format. 
  • Submit Online Application: There is no application fee for the Fulbright program. Applications must be submitted online.
Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023
Fulbright Scholarship for International Students 2022-2023


  • Does the Fulbright Scholarship provide support for undergraduate degrees?  

No, the Fulbright Scholarship supports graduate-level studies only. However, the U.S. Department of State offers many other educational and cultural exchange programs, for various audiences.

  • Can Fulbright participants stay in the United States after their program, or do they need to return to their home country? 

Upon completion of their program, Fulbrighters are required to return to their home country to complete the two-year residency requirement before becoming eligible to apply for other visas

  • Can I participate in Fulbright if I have a disability? 

Yes! Fulbright welcomes applicants of all backgrounds and experience, including those with disabilities.

  • Does the Fulbright Program provide support for PhDs? 

Most Fulbright Foreign Student Program awards are for master’s level studies.  However, a few countries provide opportunities for Ph.D. study. Please see your country’s page for further information. 

  • I am currently living outside my home country. Can I still apply? 

Applicants may only apply through the country of their citizenship.

  • What level of English do I need to apply?

Applicants of all English language skill levels are invited to apply for the Fulbright Program. There is no minimum TOEFL score required; however, graduate study in the United States typically requires students to have an IBT TOEFL score of 80 to be successful.

Qualified applicants with TOEFL scores slightly below this level, and therefore who need to enhance their English language skills may be nominated to participate in a Long-Term English (LTE) program before the start of their Fulbright grant. 

  • Will my TOEFL score affect my interviews? If I have a high TOEFL score, am I more likely to get an interview? 

A number of factors are considered when selecting nominees. TOEFL scores are taken into consideration but are not a primary factor in the final selection.  

  • Does the Fulbright Program support medical or dental degrees?

The Fulbright Program does not support clinical studies in medicine, dentistry, or veterinary sciences where legal restrictions apply. However, applications with undergraduate degrees in clinical fields may pursue relevant master’s degrees in related subjects such as public health, global health, biology, chemistry, and more. Please contact your local U.S. Embassy, Amideast office, or Fulbright Commission for answers to specific questions you may have on the eligibility of the degree you wish to pursue. 

  •  I completed my undergraduate degree in the United States. Can I still apply? 

Yes, but preference is given to those applicants who have not had significant experience living in the United States. 

  • How long does it take a Fulbright Commission, Amideast field office, or U.S. Embassy to review applications? 

In general, applicants are notified of their status in the fall. However, as the selection process is a comprehensive, merit-based, and multi-step process that takes place over several months, your local U.S. Embassy, Fulbright Commission, or Amideast office determines the timeline.  

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