How to Get Full Ride Scholarships 2022-2023, Best tips

How to Get Full Ride Scholarships 2022-2023:

What is a full ride scholarship?

Full ride scholarships are the holy grail of funding opportunities, covering almost everything for the full three or four years of university. Your tuition and living costs will be covered by the provider, leaving you free to focus on your studies and social life without worrying about money. Sounds great, right?

Sadly, there just aren’t too many of these dream scholarships going around. Full scholarships are rare, and those that are available are very competitive. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply for them.

However, since these scholarships are so significant (and honestly life-changing), it also means that they are extremely difficult to win. They may be difficult, but it’s important to remember that they’re by no means impossible!

How to Get Full Ride Scholarships 2022-2023

Types of full ride scholarships:

Anyone can be eligible for a full ride scholarship, depending on their background, skills and expertise. Most students earn full ride scholarships because of their academic history, athletic prowess, leadership or merit. But other types of these scholarships can be offered by schools for different reasons, and they can be offered by the school, state or federal government or by private organizations.


These scholarships are offered for students that have demonstrated excellence leadership, service or another area. Sometimes, students that show great promise are also offered full ride scholarships.


Students that show athletic prowess can earn full ride scholarships to some Division I or II schools. Full ride athletic scholarships are only offered to football, men’s basketball and women’s basketball, volleyball, tennis and gymnastics.


Some state programs will cover the cost of college for students. These vary state by state and are often only usable at specific public universities.


The government offers full ride scholarships to some students. Some common full ride scholarships offered by the government are for ROTC students, or students studying at a military academy.


One of the most common types of full ride scholarships, merit-based scholarships are reserved for students that have shown academic excellence. This is usually determined through GPA, SAT scores, ACT scores or through a combination of the three.

Financial need based

Students from lower income homes can be eligible for full ride scholarships at some schools. There are also private full ride scholarships that use prestige or merit and financial need to determine recipients.

Additional Options

There are full ride scholarships offered for a number of reasons. Some scholarships require a specific heritage, and others can be legacy based. Just about any incoming college freshman could be eligible for some type of full ride scholarship.

How to Get Full Ride Scholarships 2022-2023

Read on to discover how to increase your chances of being awarded one of these prestigious scholarships.

Know where to look:

First things first, where do you actually go to find full scholarships? Your first port of call should be your chosen university’s official website, as they may offer their own funding opportunities for students from your location or in your subject, or possibly list external scholarships you could apply to.

As well as your university, you could check sites like InternationalScholarships.com or FastWeb.com, plus our own Scholarships to Study Abroad page, which lists funding opportunities in different study destinations, scholarships focused on particular subjects and scholarships aimed at particular student groups.

Vary the types of scholarships you’re applying for:

Sure, applying to every full ride scholarship that you are eligible for can’t hurt you, but it’s important to make sure that you are varying the types of scholarships you are applying for.

Applying for a mix of small amount and bigger amount scholarships will leave you more likely to walk away with some cash.

Prepare in advance:

If you know you’ll need a full scholarship to help you to attend university, it’s important to start preparing as far in advance as possible. This is especially important if you find you need to attend an interview – some universities conduct special ‘scholarship weekends’ in which 50-100 students will be invited on campus to interview with a faculty member, answering questions on their goals and motivations and how this fits in with that university and course.

If you need to attend a scholarship interview, you should treat this as you would any other formal interview, dressing smartly and coming well-prepared with good answers for their possible questions, as well as having a few questions ready to ask them when invited to at the end of the interview.

Be strategic with your letters of recommendation:

While this goes for any scholarships you are applying for, it is especially important to consider this when applying for the big full ride scholarships.

Make sure you ask people who know you well and can attest to all of your wonderful qualities and potential.

How to Get Full Ride Scholarships 2022-2023

Work hard and keep motivated:

Although some full scholarships will be based on financial need rather than academic excellence, some will take both into account, or only be awarded to exceptional students. It goes without saying that you should be working hard in your studies, but you’ll need to really put in the effort if you want to get that full scholarship, as the majority are awarded to the highest-achieving students.

In some cases, universities may automatically consider applicants for full scholarships using your regular university application, making high grades crucial. While pushing yourself academically can be mentally exhausting, try to stay motivated by keeping your goals in mind, and give yourself a break every now and then to relax.

Get involved in your community:

So many of the full ride scholarships specify that leadership skills and experience, along with community outreach, are some of the most important and decisive factors in who wins and who doesn’t.

So, if you know early on in high school that you want to apply for some of these scholarships, be sure to find personally rewarding ways to get involved in your community as early as possible.

Leadership skills are hugely valued by scholarship providers, and you can demonstrate this by volunteering to lead projects in your extracurricular activities or community work.

Make yourself stand out from other applicants:

With so much competition to get a full scholarship, it’s crucial to stand out from the pool of applicants by demonstrating real commitment to bettering yourself as an individual.

This means having a few extracurricular activities to show off to scholarship providers, demonstrating your passions and interests outside the classroom, as well as examples of times you’ve got involved with the local community, perhaps by taking part in volunteer work for a good cause.

Another thing that could really make you stand out from the rest when it comes to scholarship applications is a glowing report on your academic and personal qualities through your letters of recommendation, so it’s important to build strong relationships with your academic mentors – if a mentor knows you well, they’ll be able to provide a more personal and accurate reflection of you in their letter.  

Read the application instructions carefully:

This may seem extremely obvious, but you don’t want to drop your chances by accidentally missing out a document or piece of information that was stipulated in the scholarship’s application instructions. Be sure to read the application guidance carefully and repeatedly, so you’re less likely to miss anything, and email the provider if you need clarification on anything.

Submit an exceptional scholarship essay or cover letter:

Another one that goes without saying, but your application essay/cover letter needs to absolutely be the best quality it can possibly be. This means making sure it’s clear and concise, is formatted correctly, grabs the reader with a strong introduction, stays focused on its key theme or topic, and has flawless spelling and grammar. Don’t just rely on proofreading it hundreds of times to make sure it’s perfect – ask a friend to go over it and check for typos and any sentences that don’t read as well as they could do.

Be realistic:

And finally, as we touched on earlier, the unfortunate truth is that there aren’t many full scholarships to go around, and they’re extremely competitive, meaning that many candidates who meet and exceed the requirements for a full scholarship end up missing out.

Don’t let this hold you back from applying, but be realistic about your expectations. And remember, there’s no limit on how many scholarship applications you can send out, and normally no limit to how many scholarships you can be awarded, so you may be able to build your own full scholarship using two or more smaller scholarships. (Of course, be sure to check with the providers that you’re able to apply for and receive funding from other sources).

If you do get rejections, try not to let them get you down – pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and don’t stop trying in life until you get what you want.

How to Get Full Ride Scholarships 2022-2023

FAQ about Full Ride Scholarships:

  • Do all schools offer full ride scholarships?

Not all schools offer full ride scholarships, but many do. Also, because some full ride scholarships come from different areas, students could end up studying at any institution without having to worry about the cost of education.

  • What’s the difference between full ride and full tuition scholarships?

Full tuition scholarships usually only cover the cost of education, which includes tuition, book fees and other education fees. However, these scholarships likely don’t offer help with room and board, living costs or travel costs.

  • Can transfer students earn full ride scholarships?

Yes, even if they’re transferring from a community or two-year college. Each school will have their own process for transfer students having the chance to land a full ride scholarship, so it’s best to check in with your school of choice.

  • How hard is it to get a full ride scholarship?

Less than 1 percent of students get full ride scholarships, showing just how difficult it is to earn one. However, with the right background, proper planning and by knowing where to look, your chances of landing a full ride scholarship can increase.

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