
The most important online teaching platforms

online teaching platforms

The most important online teaching platforms

Online teaching platforms provide a valuable opportunity for many graduates of education colleges and those interested in various teaching fields to start their professional lives, away from the complexities of traditional job markets.

In online teaching sites, success depends on effectively marketing one’s skills and ideally building a personal brand in an appealing manner.

In this article, we have provided you with an overview of the most important sites and how to teach online, so you can easily venture into this vast field.

online teaching platforms
online teaching platforms

When did the idea of online teaching begin?

Some trace the beginnings of online teaching back to the mid-nineteenth century, long before the advent of the internet and modern technology.

The approach to online teaching and the methods adopted were significantly different back then. They relied on postal services of the time, which offered various educational correspondences.

This method became popular in many places, such as the United States, with the emergence of what was known as correspondence colleges. Communication between the teacher and the student was conducted through postal correspondences.

The concept continued to evolve gradually. Correspondence colleges appeared, and with the advent and development of television broadcasting, educational programs emerged. Then came the internet, making things simpler and more accessible.

Recently, platforms known as online teaching websites have been established and created. These platforms provide services to both teachers and learners by offering opportunities for teachers to showcase their services to learners, ensuring that both parties receive all their literary and material rights.

Growth and Dominance of Online Teaching

In 2019, the online education market was estimated at 187 billion US dollars, and by 2022, it reached 217 billion dollars. By 2030, it is expected to reach 475 billion US dollars.

Some statistics suggest that around 49% of students worldwide have somehow received education online, and 70% of students believe that online teaching is much better than traditional classrooms.

The online education industry is a rapidly advancing sector, progressing at a pace faster than expected, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of educational institutions had to transition to online classes due to the difficulties of gathering people in one place at that time. According to some projections, by 2026, the growth rate of online education and teaching is expected to be 9.1% annually.

Advantages of Online Teaching

Online teaching enjoys numerous advantages and positive aspects that enhance the value of the educational process and provide a different learning environment suitable for the modern student, who relies on technology in all aspects of life. Additionally, it offers ease and capacity to accommodate hundreds and thousands at the same time, without the need for the hassle of providing educational spaces or students traveling from one country to another for lectures or attending training courses.

Interaction: Online teaching offers various forms of interaction that help increase collaborative work among students, bring viewpoints closer, and encourage students to express their thoughts more comfortably and easily.

Flexibility: Online teaching is characterized by flexibility. Students and teachers are not usually bound by fixed schedules, except in specific cases. The teacher can record the lesson or lecture explanation, and then the student can refer to it at any time.

Cost Reduction: Online teaching does not cost as much as traditional education, which requires buildings, labor, large infrastructure, and endless costs. In contrast, online education mostly requires only good internet.

Self-Learning: Online teaching provides the opportunity for the student to be more independent and make many education-related decisions freely.

Lifelong Learning: Online education makes the opportunity to learn anything endless, as anyone can learn the skills they want at any time, through the many platforms that offer various forms and opportunities for education.

Advantages of Online Teaching for Teachers

Flexibility: Online teaching allows the teacher to educate anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time they desire.

Access to More Students: Online teaching platforms provide teachers with a wonderful opportunity to connect with students from all over the world.

Earning Additional Income: Teachers can earn additional income by teaching multiple students from different countries. They can offer online teaching to the Gulf, provide online teaching services in Saudi Arabia, and other countries where the teacher can earn foreign currencies and easily increase their income.

online teaching platforms
online teaching platforms

How to Teach Online ?

The tremendous technological advancement that has occurred in recent times has compelled many professions and individuals working in various sectors to keep pace with the modern era, if they wish to secure a place in the future. Online teaching is no different from those sectors. The methods of teaching online only come with good preparation and prior training in various skills

How to Successfully Teach Online?

Enhancing Technical Skills: This is essential so that the teacher can use the latest tools that assist in the process of online teaching, deal with various online teaching platforms, and achieve professional results.

Communication Skills: The teacher needs to learn how to communicate with the modern generation on different online teaching platforms. Communication here is different and requires a different set of skills to be more professional.

Time Management: This skill is needed by everyone in general, not just teachers. Time management ensures good preparation, effective teaching, providing time for interaction with students, and answering their various queries.

Good Preparation: It is advisable for the teacher to prepare adequately for what they will teach before starting the lesson to avoid any mistakes during the explanation.

Start Teaching Online Calmly: The point here is not to rush. In the beginning, my advice is to start with a few students and gradually build a base of students on different online teaching sites.

In conclusion, online teaching requires many things from you that differ from traditional education, foremost among which is your mastery of modern technology and the tools you will use in teaching. In online teaching, the student is the hero, so all focus should be on meeting all his educational needs and various desires, knowing what attracts him more to learn and interact better always.

Best Online Teaching Websites – Earn Income in Dollars

Amazing Talker

Amazing Talker is one of the largest language learning websites in the world, through which you can teach online and instruct in the Arabic language to individuals from various nationalities, at very good rates per hour spent teaching an individual.

The website offers a highly significant opportunity, which is teaching the Arabic language in the Egyptian dialect. This makes it an ideal opportunity for Egyptian teachers to earn more income in hard currencies, which could reach up to 13 dollars for every hour spent teaching a student.


Preply is also one of the famous international websites that offer lessons in the Arabic language, which you can join as an Arabic language teacher and gain more international students. The prices for one session or one hour range from 4 dollars to 25 dollars.


Heytutor is a wonderful platform that provides a good opportunity for online teaching. It is one of the online teaching websites that offer a number of educational subjects, including teaching Arabic online, teaching science online, mathematics, among other topics that can be taught online. There are up to 250 subjects on the platform, through which a good financial return can be achieved.


Wyzant platform offers the opportunity for online teaching, whether you are a new teacher or have extensive experience in teaching. The platform also provides flexible and free working hours to suit both students and teachers. All that is required is to apply to start your professional life, which can guarantee you an income of up to more than 50 thousand dollars annually


You can work on the Takelessons platform to teach a variety of subjects, such as languages, sciences, and mathematics. Through this platform, you can teach online to Europe, teach online to the Gulf, and teach online to anywhere in the world, with an average income of approximately 30 dollars for every half hour

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 study medicine in Turkey

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