
Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship in Germany 2024

Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship

Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship in Germany 2024

Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship

The Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship Program for the academic year 2024-2025 is now available for international students, including EU and German students.
The Foundation offers 1,000 scholarships for master’s and doctoral studies, and is open to students in all academic disciplines and of all nationalities. This scholarship, fully funded, covers the entire duration of the study program and is available for study at recognized German universities.

The scholarship does not require an application fee and is awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional academic excellence and activity in their communities.

Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship
Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship

Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarships Details:

  • Scholarship Host Country: Germany
  • Sponsor Organization: DAAD & Heinrich Boll Foundation
  • Degree level: Masters, PhD
  • Scholarship coverage: Funded
  • Eligibility: Domestic & International students
  • Last Date: 1 March 2024

Benefits of Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship

Master’s students:

Non-EU students: Students receive a monthly allowance of €850, plus additional allowances.
EU students: The amount provided varies, but is up to €649 per month, plus €300 in book costs.

The scholarship lasts for the standard study period, with the possibility of an extension for one semester.

PhD students:

Non-EU students: Students are entitled to a monthly allowance of €1,200, in addition to a mobility allowance of €100 and other miscellaneous allowances.
EU students: receive a monthly stipend of 1,350 euros, plus 100 euros as research costs allowance per month.

The scholarship is usually awarded for two years, with the possibility of extending the period twice for six months each.

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Eligibility Criteria for Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship

To be eligible for the Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

Master’s Degree Scholarship:

For EU students:

  • Need to prove they have obtained a bachelor’s degree (via a copy of the degree certificate).
  • They must prove their proficiency in the German language (level B2 or DSH2).
  • Proof of enrollment in the program must be submitted before the start of studies or by the date of the final interview.

For students from outside the European Union (who have not studied in Germany before):

  • Students must have proof of their bachelor’s degree (via a copy of the degree certificate).
  • They must prove their proficiency in the German language (level B2 or DSH2).
  • Proof of enrollment in the program must be submitted before the start of studies or by the date of the final interview.

Doctoral degree scholarship criteria:

  • Applicants must show that they have received an offer to join a doctoral program at a German university or one recognized by the state.
  • For non-German applicants, they must provide evidence of their proficiency in the German language.

Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarships Required Documents:

For Masters Scholarships:

  • CV
  • A motivation letter describing your motivation behind applying for this scholarship.
  • An outline describing your political interests and social commitments.
  • An outline that explains the area of interest and selected subject.
  • Academic records.
  • Copy of your first degree
  • Foreign candidates must provide proof of their German language proficiency (Level B2 or DSH level).

For Doctorate Degree:

  • CV
  • Personal information.
  • Academic transcripts.
  • Motivation for applying.
  • Political interests and social commitments.
  • Copy of your degree certificate or equivalent
  • An outline of your Ph.D. thesis.
  • Proof of German language proficiency.
  • Detailed overview of applicant’s research project (10 pages maximum)
    A time plan of how you plan to complete your research (over a time period of up to 1 year).

How to apply?

  • Application begins with the online registration procedure. This includes both master’s and doctoral degree awards.
  • Applicants should check whether they meet the eligibility criteria and read the application procedures carefully.
  • Applicants must create their own account on the organization’s electronic portal.
  • Applicants must accurately fill out their personal and academic details on the portal.
  • Applicants must carefully upload all necessary documents through the online portal.
  • Only those applications submitted online will be taken into consideration.
  • The application must be sent before the scholarship deadline.

Read also:

Application deadline:

The application deadline for Heinrich Boll Foundation Scholarship is March 1, 2024.

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5 thoughts

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  1. My name is Moad. I’m 20 years old. I want to work hard to ensure my future and the future of my family. I speak a little English and I hope I meet your expectations.

  2. My name is Moaz. I’m 20 years old. I want to work hard to ensure my future and the future of my family. I speak a little English and I hope I meet your expectations.

  3. Ahmad said:

    I am from Syria. I am taking a Umniyya bachelor’s degree class in Germany

  4. Ahmad said:

    I Your comment is awaiting moderation
    I am from Syria. I am taking a Umniyya bachelor’s degree class in Germany

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