
Study Medicine in Europe in English 2022-2023 | The best guide

Study Medicine in Europe in English 2022-2023

Study Medicine in Europe in English: In recent years, medical studies have become more popular while the number of university places remains limited. As a result, candidates face higher tuition fees and fiercer competition. The increased cost of medical education puts a large financial burden on students and their families, and many medical students leave school carrying a large, often five-figure, debt.

Study Medicine Europe can help to make your academic dreams a reality. Study Medicine in Europe co-operates with a select number of accredited and reputable European Universities located across Europe (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria).

These universities offer the best medical education globally as well as affordable tuition fees due to these countries’ low living cost. Better yet, based on its decade-long experience in this area, Study Medicine in Europe offers premium services, but not at a premium, and can help you secure a position in one of these universities.

Study Medicine in Europe in English 2022-2023

Why Study Medicine in Europe in English?

Study medicine in Europe in English expands students’ horizons both in an educational and cultural sense. Furthermore, aspiring doctors acquire self-reliance, discipline, and maturity as part of living in a foreign country. Consequently, international students gain a competitive edge in the job market thanks to their distinct backgrounds and skill sets.

In particular, studying Medicine in Europe offers a number of benefits:

  • Courses are taught in English
  • Tuition fees are comparable with other countries
  • Cost of living in some EU countries such as Cyprus, where the University of Nicosia offers its popular MD degree, is significantly lower than the cost of living in other countries
  • Graduates can usually apply for a licence to practice with the GMC
  • Some universities such as the University of Nicosia are listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools and are also listed in the UK GMC website

As well as more obvious benefits that come with the lifestyle of studying abroad in Europe, like the cultural experiences, meeting different people and learning about different healthcare systems.

Study Medicine in Europe in English for free
Study Medicine in Europe in English for free

Entry Requirements to Study Medicine in Europe in English

The universities that teach medicine in Europe in English are located in over 40 countries. Each of these universities has its own unique set of entry requirements. The only criterion of acceptance they all share is English language proficiency.

Other than that, you may have to sit an entrance exam in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Mathematics. Some exams will be simple multiple-choice questions, while others can be open questions or a combination of both. They may or may not consider your high-school science subjects grades.

There are hundreds of medical universities abroad, so entry requirements will always vary. The most common entry requirements to study medicine in Europe in English are:

  • BTEC, GCSE, or equivalent high school diploma
  • Satisfactory grades in Chemistry, Biology, Maths, and Physics
  • English language proficiency
  • Entrance exams in Biology, Chemistry, and English (options for online testing)
  • A simple online interview to check your motivation for choosing your vocation
  • Letter of recommendation or personal statement (optional)
  • You must have a passport
  • Admission fees can range from €20 to €200 and above
  • Some universities require entry fees upon acceptance to make sure the seat will be taken

How Much Does It Cost to Study Medicine in Europe in English?

Depending on which country you choose to study medicine in Europe in English, annual tuition fees can range from €3,000 to €30,000. These prices depend solely on the economic state of the corresponding country. More expensive options don’t mean better quality of education because medicine is taught and learned the same everywhere.

Here are the general guidelines for the cost of studying medicine in Europe in English:

  • Georgia and Serbia are the most preferred and affordable options, with tuition fees starting from £ 4151 per year.
  • In the middle, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, and other countries from Central and Eastern Europe have annual costs of £ 4281 – £ 12972.
  • Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, and Germany fall into the higher price range of £ 4151 and above per year.
Study Medicine abroad in English
Study Medicine abroad in English

The Steps to Study Medicine in Europe in English

Studying medicine in Eurpoe in English is a relatively straightforward process, though this doesn’t make it any easier. Here is a step-by-step guide to achieving your educational dreams:

  • Select a suitable university with good accreditation.
  • Apply for admission by following the university’s guidelines.
  • Gain admission to the university by covering all the entry requirements, including educational qualifications, exams, and interviews.
  • Apply for a visa with the country’s embassy or consulate.
  • Prepare for your first journey to the university by planning and packing all the necessities.
  • Register for classes and pay any tuition fees.
  • Study for classes, learn from your mentors, and lead a balanced life.
  • Have the time of your life.
  • Repeat steps 6-8 for 3 to 6 years, depending on your programme.
Best country to study medicine in europe in english

Best country to study medicine in europe in english

Where Can You Study Medicine In Europe In English Without An Entrance Exam?

The majority of universities in Europe have Biology and Chemistry entrance exams as part of their admission requirements. There are, however, several which require no entrance exams:

  • European University in Tbilisi – Georgia
  • Carol Davila University of Medicine – Romania
  • University Of Medicine & Pharmacy Craiova – Romania
  • Oradea Medical University – Romania
  • Medical University Of Bialystok – Poland
  • Medical University Of Lublin – Poland
  • Wroclaw Medical University – Poland
  • Acibadem University – Turkey
  • Riga Stradins University (RSU) – Latvia

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